Calling all (nude) models

After 4 years of dating in college one of my closest friends got dumped. The next week she signed up to be a nude model for JMU’s drawing class. I always thought it was because she was super confident, but years later she revealed she did it to become more comfortable with herself as a newly single woman.

I always thought I could never, ever stand in front of a room full of people naked, like she did, while they put their interpretation of my body from pen to paper until I recently read an article in The Philadelphia Inquirer about how I may be harming the future of art and advertising. Apparently there is a lack of variety of nude models (short, curvy) lately that is hindering up-and-coming artists from being able to sketch anything but young and sleek.

At Just Ask a Woman we try to stress to clients, particularly in the weight loss/diet and healthcare area, about how important it is, particularly when showing storyboards, to be realistic and sensitive in drawings. Even if “they’re just drawings”, it’s a lot to ask women to look at one thing, but imagine something more “like them”. We often get feedback from the women in our sessions such as, “I’d like to look like that stick figure” or “That woman does not need to lose 20 pounds, I’ll show you who needs to lose 20 pounds”.

Perhaps we should all do our part to better the future of the art-design world, what do you say-could you step into the spotlight?

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February 14, 2025
by Mary Lou Quinlan

A look at an early production of WORK


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The God Box Goes Global!

“The God Box” has grown to include an app, audio book, philanthropic venture and solo show performed by Mary Lou across the US. Now The God Box Project goes global to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
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