Are you sure you want what you want?

  So while I was at the airport waiting for a delayed flight (argh) I found myself sitting at the bar eating a late lunch and celebrating a good meeting with a glass of wine.  But when I first sat down at the bar, the uber friendly bartender took my wine order and then stopped to ask if I was sure I didn’t want a mixed drink because he makes a mean Cosmopolitan.  First, a Cosmo? How early Sex and the City of him?  Second, he actually asked me if I was sure I wanted what I had ordered as if I was incapable of making a decision that could stick.  About a minute later a gentleman sat next to me at the bar and ordered a Corona.  He was immediately offered any hard liquor shot of his choice for a special price for $3 (down from $6).  Keep in mind it is 2pm.  When the bartender walked away my bar mate and I looked at each other and laughed that shots haven’t been party of our liquor repertoire in more than a decade.  He asked me “did he offer you the shot special?”  “As a matter of fact,” I responded, “I think I have just been pink-ed.”  This bartender had gender specific bar specials. Now, there are times when I want gender specific offers (like whenever there is a lifeboat in question) but at this random bar, in this generic airport I didn’t want or need special treatment.  It made me start thinking about places where special “girl” treatment would be the strategically right thing to do.  Thoughts?  I will get you started … I would love mandatory mom drive thrus at places where taking kids out of car seats is a huge waste of time like dry cleaners, the DMV and doctor’s office (to pick up prescriptions, referrals, etc)… Thoughts? 

Even though part of me wanted to order the shot just to prove that I could take it like a man, I refrained.  But don’t get me started on the fact that he called me “ma’am” and “miss” interchangeably as if the difference doesn’t matter.

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May 6, 2024
by Mary Lou Quinlan

A look at an early production of WORK


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The God Box Goes Global!

“The God Box” has grown to include an app, audio book, philanthropic venture and solo show performed by Mary Lou across the US. Now The God Box Project goes global to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
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