Taco Bell IS a Whole Truth Brand!
I’ve been known to drive miles out of the way to find a T-Bell. Their crunchy tacos are my guilty pleasure. During the summer I was pregnant with the twins (during a heat wave) I squeezed myself behind the wheel of my car drove 8 miles to eat tacos in my car with the air conditioner rocking. I called my husband and told him I had hit rock bottom. Sure there was a T-Bell closer to my house but that one didn’t have a drive thru and I was too embarassed to heave my uber pregnant self through the door.
Anyway … Taco Bell has tackled the new year’s resolution of “I’m going to lose weight” with their new campaign Drive-Thru Diet. While I think the execution online is clumsy and cheezy, I think they got this one right from a strategic point of view. Women (and men) aren’t giving up fast food to lose weight (despite their Good Intentions) but they are open to making smarter decisions when they order. I believe that these 7 menu items will be attractive to gen pop because they still feel indulgent and will do the job to fill a fast food fix.
Bottom line: Taco Bell will always stand for 7 layer, fried, gordito, triple cheesy and spicy food but they are doing the right thing by showing customers they don’t have to abandon the brand to lose weight.
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